Let's get minimal...

Hey hey - welcome to Minimalism May! Are you ready to take spring cleaning by storm?

To get inspired, this month's book club pick is Goodbye Things by Fumio Sasaki.

Once a hopeless hoarder, Sasaki is now one of Japan's most famous minimalists - he only owns 20 pieces of clothing (including socks) and 150 items total!

From capsule wardrobes to sparking joy with Marie Kondo, the minimalism movement is taking the world by storm. Believers swear by it as the anecdote for everything from depression and anxiety and even the key to finding happiness, freedom, and purpose.

Is the secret to happiness really just as simple as getting rid of your stuff?

In my experience, yes!

I've only dabbled in minimalism, but I have to say the burden lifted by clearing out old junk felt incredible! It takes a certain abundance mindset and discipline to severe ties with all of your junk. But I can tell you, it is more than worth it.

That is why your May challenge – should you chose to accept it – is to get rid of 10 items per week.

And Goodbye Things is the perfect guide to show you the way.

>> Click here to buy the book. <<

I can't wait to hear how your May minimalism and decluttering experiment goes!



PS- As always, our book club will be meeting the last Thursday of this month.

You can join the Facebook event here, and add the Book Club Google Calendar here.

PSS - If you want me to add you to the official Book Club invite, reply back to this email and let me know.

Here is the countdown to the next event:

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