big wins + announcement...

Hey there!

As promised, I'm following up to let you in on my favorite keystone habits that will transform your life, and how you can finally make them stick once and for all!

In the past, I kept trying to do it all at once: quit coffee, wakeup at 5am, drink two gallons of water, follow a budget, start a side hustle, quit TV, start running, do yoga, plant a vegetable get it.

Looking back, I was just setting myself up for failure. Trying to juggle too many plates in the air at once just caused them to drop and shatter on the floor. I was always breaking promises to myself and letting myself down.

But 2021 has been different. This year, I am actually staying on track with my goals (!!!)


Focusing on ONE BIG WIN at a time.

I have a dirty little secret to share with you: I don't follow a budget. And I don't deprive myself either! I order my avocado toast and eat it too.

And yet, without a budget I managed to save about 50% of my income for years.

How you ask?


Here's my saving secret:

Housing, transportation, and food are usually the biggest drain on your budget. If you cut mercilessly on these three things, you can get away with a lot of spending f*ck ups.

Here are some examples of BIG WINS for your bank account:

  • Making sure your rent payment is less than 30% of your total monthly income
  • Work from home, or ditch your car and bike to work
  • Cook at home instead of eating out 5 out of 7 days a week
  • Sign up for Personal Capital or to track your spending

I finally realized this was the approach I needed to take for my goals and habits as well. Instead of trying to do everything at once and getting NO WHERE, let's take a step back and focus on one BIG WIN at a time.

To do that, I setup a monthly challenge for each new habit. And I am inviting you to join me!

That is why I am proud to present my...

Cool Book Club! Brought to you by MoneySelfMade.

Every month of 2021 I'm issuing a self improvement challenge. And, of course, a book to inspire you to get it done.

I am officially announcing the it next week, along with the schedule of monthly challenges and books. If you are ready to get started NOW, I've included a sneak peek below.

In the meantime, as promised, here are the 7 keystone habits that will snowball your day into success.

Talk to you next week!



PS- The first book club read is ‘Psychology of Money’. Join us on Zoom March 25th at 6pm PT/ 9pm ET to discuss.

Click here to RSVP. Or, if you aren't in the group yet, click here to join.

Hope to see you there in your casual wear!

PSS- I'll follow up next week with the full schedule for 2021. Stay tuned!

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